Photos From the 2014 West Coast Lotus Meet

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My favorite time of year, and right in my backyard, 2014's West Coast Lotus Meet was a long-weekend's worth of driving, showing, making friends, looking good, and games.

I went to most of the events, and even won the Funkhana with my partner (we both had grey Evoras, but his was the S). I was disappointed when the autocross was cancelled, as I've (still) never done it and think I could be good at it, but there is autocross here locally, all the time, I just need to get out of bed to go to it early in the morning. :-)

Had some fun with photography at this event, and fiddled a lot in Lightroom to bring up and push back certain areas. Tahoe is high altitude and fierce when it comes to light, with strong shadows and a lot of them. Here's a before and after showing the work I did on the photo of the black Elise above: